Using Biosolids
Farmers depend on the healthiness of their farm. So, when considering fertilizers, they want to make the best possible choices for their farms. The VBC developed the above brochure to answer basic questions about the use of biosolids on family farms.
Fact Sheets
The School of Plant and Environmental Sciences at Virginia Tech worked with The Virginia Biosolids Council on Fact Sheets About Biosolids. They can be downloaded, opened and printed with Adobe Acrobat Reader.
About the wastewater treatment process
Nutrient content, value, and management of biosolids
Benefits of organic matter in biosolids
Biostimulant benefits of biosolids
Inorganic trace elements
More about trace organic compounds
Biosolids Use in Forestry
Biosolids Use for Row Crop
EPA Biosolids Research
Land Application and Composting of Biosolids
The Water Environment Federation has prepared an excellent Q&A/Fact Sheet on Land Application and Composting.
Virginia Biosolids Council 2020 Virtual Informational Session (9.23.2020)
Click HERE to view a recording of the VBC 2020 Virtual Informational Session.