Report on the Sustainable Biosolids Technologies Workshop

Virginia Beach, VA (August 6, 2012) – Determining best management options for biosolids is both time-consuming and expensive. The development of innovative technologies and processes to manage this valuable byproduct of the water recycling process is occurring at a rapid pace.

To provide some additional perspective and information on current research and the development and use of pioneering technology, a one-half day seminar will be held in conjunction with the annual Virginia Water Environment Association conference at the Virginia Beach Convention Center. The workshop was created for wastewater professionals, county officials, state regulators and others interested in advanced treatment technologies. The program will be held on September 10 – the first morning of the Water Jam.

Registration to the conference can be done through the VWEA website at Registration can be made, if desired, just for the biosolids workshop on September 10 for a cost of $50.

The program will begin at 8:30 a.m. at the Virginia Beach Convention Center. For additional information, please contact either Robert Crockett of the Virginia Biosolids Council, or Bill Toffey of the Mid-Atlantic Biosolids Association at the numbers provided below.

Speakers include Chris Peot, Biosolids Manager for DC Water, who will speak on a paradigm shift in the manner DC Water manages its biosolids. Ersin Kasirga of Atkins will follow that with a review of the odor challenges and characteristics of DC Water’s new Cambi process, which is currently under construction.

Among the other topics include: Research on barriers to utilizing biogas for renewable energy; implementation of microwave technology at an utility in Alabama; the application of solar drying technology in Delaware; and the impact of new federal regulations on the use of incinerators.

For Virginia certified biosolids land applicators who attend the workshop, the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) will offer two Continuing Education credit hours for the first session (8:30-10:15) and one credit hour for the second session (10:30-12:00), for a total of three credit hours. Sign-up sheets for credit will be provided at the workshop.

Click here to see the agenda.

For more information, contact:

Bill Toffey, MABA
845-901-7905 office

Robert G. Crockett, VBC