During its annual meeting in December 2020, the membership of the Virginia Biosolids Council approved modifications to its Code of Good Practice, which was established years ago to provide guidance to its membership on quality and performance objectives on the production and use of biosolids. One of the changes approved was its continued commitment to participating and reviewing research and also advancing biosolids knowledge through collaboration.
The current work involved in the Second National Biosolids Regulation, Quality, End Use, and Disposal Survey that the VBC is supporting is an important effort to better understand the uses and management of biosolids as a resource. This survey will update the most comprehensive set of biosolids management data, first collected in 2007. A representative of VBC is serving in an advisory capacity for the survey, and the VBC membership approved a financial contribution to support this important work.
This project relies on 2018 data, data which represents a relatively static time in the biosolids market, just prior to the impact of PFAS and the COVID-19 pandemic.
To support the preparation for the report, U. S. EPA Region 4 supported the Literature Review & Methods.
Currently one hour virtual opportunities to contribute data are now occurring through meet ups. Over the next two weeks, between now and February 10, stakeholders may join a virtual meet up Tuesdays, 12 Noon Eastern/9 am Pacific, and Wednesdays, 2 pm Eastern/11 am Pacific. Find more information here.
To read more about the Second National Biosolids Data Project, find its prospectus here.
The report is expected to be published in spring 2021.
For VBC members and biosolids professionals around the country, this updated survey is an essential and important data project to understand what is occurring with the management of biosolids.