2024 Biosolids Beauty Contest

WaterJAM is the joint Annual Meeting of the Virginia Section American Water Works Association and the Virginia Water Environment Association; this year’s meeting is set to take place September 8-12 in Virginia Beach, Virginia.

Similar to previous years, WaterJAM will be hosting their Biosolids Beauty Contest. Please see the information below to learn how to throw your product into the ring.

  • Biosolids sample preparation:
    • Prepare a sample of stabilized biosolids for entry into one or more of the following categories: Class AClass BBest in Presentation.
    • No need for multiple entries for multiple categories.  For example: A single entry can be judged for both Class A & Best in Presentation.
    • Sample can be in a jar/bag/box/sample bottle/vessel of your choice, no more than 500 – 1000 mL (to ensure adequate space for all entries), but be sure to submit enough to exhibit the product qualities. 
    • Feel free to decorate, enhance or otherwise beautify your presentation if you would like, making sure that the actual biosolids can be readily accessed and viewed for judging.  See images below for some entries from other competitions for inspiration.
  • Entering your contestant:
    • Bring your entry to the table just inside the Exhibit Hall any time after the Exhibit Hall opens on Tuesday afternoon, September 10th.  There will be sign/board designating the table.
    • Be sure to fill out the entry form (located on the table) indicating which category(ies) in which the entry is competing.
    • Entries are due no later than 9 AM on Wednesday, September 11.
  • Judging:
    • Judging will take place between 9 and 10:30 AM.
    • A panel of three judges will judge each entry on consistency, quality, dryness, odors, etc.
  • Announcing the winners:
    • One winner will be selected from each competition category: Class A, Class B, Best in Presentation.
    • Winners will be announced at 10:45 AM at the Biosolids Beauty Contest Table during the morning break.
  • Competition breakdown:
    • All entries must be removed from the Exhibit Hall by the end of the afternoon break (4 PM) on Wednesday, September 11.

Please contact stephanie.spalding@hdrinc.com if you plan to participate and if you have any questions.